This page originally served as a resume of sorts when I was in college and gradually became less relevant over the years until I finally took it down altogether. I'm returning it to an active status as an opportunity to occasionally throw up new learning opportunities or other career related activities and experiment a bit with web design outside of the corporate setting.
This site will be designed primarily in HTML 5 as a learning opportunity and to bring my knowledge of current web standards up to par after over a decade of coding in a corporate environment limited by legacy applications. I am currently planning on covering a number of areas in the content that I will fit into the process, primarily an introduction to myself, areas of interest from a career standpoint, recommendations and learning opportunities that I will develop.
I am also hoping to do most of my development while exercising as an effort to improve my health and promote the activity with others who can't find the time like myself. I will go into my preferred method of doing this later on with more detail (the notable parts are an exercise bike and a laptop stand attached to it).
Note: My original thought was to go "back to the basics" and walk through a tutorial or three-- I'm not sure whether I will do that or not at this point, for the time being I mainly just want to get a bit of content back on the page. We'll see if this sits for a few years or expands beyond.